HBTC are extremely proud to announce that we have maintained our Ofsted Good Provider rating! 
Our inspection took place between 11-12th December 2019. 
Some of the key points from the report: 
High proportion of apprentices complete their programme successfully 
Highly qualified trainers use their extensive experience to plan on- and off-the-job training very well 
Apprentices are carefully matched with employers so that they quickly become highly valued at work 
Apprentices are well prepared for their future and have clear, realistic career plans that they are working towards 
Apprentices who need additional support receive it quickly 
High importance placed on keeping learners and apprentices safe 
Highly impressive mental health support for staff, Apprentices and learners 
Apprentices and learners develop their confidence and resilience through effective support from staff 
This is as a result of a great deal of hard work that is made by our staff on a daily basis, who strive to provide a quality learning experience for all learners. 
You can cisit the HBTC website here: https://hbtc.co.uk/index.php 
You can see the full report on Ofsted's website
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